Super 8 and Camcorder Videos
Sentimental / Timeless / Nostalgic

On average, our couples spend an additional $1,000 when adding video to their photo packages.


There's just something magical about Super 8 film. It captures our hearts in a way that modern digital video can't quite match. When we watch Super 8 footage, it's like stepping into a warm, cozy memory.

You know how digital videos can sometimes feel a bit too perfect? Almost sterile? Well, Super 8 is the opposite. It's raw, it's real, and it tells your love story with all its beautiful, unpolished moments.

With Super 8, you're not just seeing the day - you're feeling it. The soft graininess, the rich colors, even the tiny imperfections - they all work together to bring you right back to that moment.

We're not just hitting 'record' on your big day. We're crafting a time capsule of your love, bottling up all those butterfly feelings and joyful tears. It's like we're painting your story with light and film, creating something as unique and special as your love.

Super 8 doesn't just show you what happened. It reminds you how it felt - the butterflies, the happy tears, the pure joy. It's not just a video; it's a journey back to one of the happiest days of your life.

 super 8 frequently asked questions

  • Absolutely! Music is such a personal thing, isn't it? We want your video to feel like you, so of course you get to choose the tunes! Got a special song that always makes you two smile? Or maybe there's a hidden gem that just captures your vibe perfectly? Whatever it is, we're all ears and ready to weave it into your story.

  • You know, the length of your video is kind of like your love story - it's unique! Typically, we're looking at a sweet spot between 2 to 5 minutes. It's just enough time to capture all those heart-melting moments without dragging on too long.

    Here's a little secret: I love syncing up the video with your chosen song. It's like choreographing a dance between your memories and the music - pure magic when it all comes together!

    But here's the fun part - film can be a bit unpredictable, kind of like life, right? Sometimes we get these amazing unexpected moments that we just have to include, which might stretch things a bit. Other times, the film gods might throw us a curveball. It's all part of the charm!

    At the end of the day, my goal is to craft a video that'll make you laugh, cry (happy tears!), and fall in love all over again. It's not about hitting a specific runtime - it's about capturing the essence of your day in the most beautiful way possible. Trust me, when you're reliving your special day, you won't be watching the clock!

  • We can totally mix and match Super 8 and camcorder footage for your wedding video. It's like creating your own personal time machine!

    Imagine this: you've got the dreamy, golden-hued moments from the Super 8 film - it's like capturing your day through rose-colored glasses. Then, we sprinkle in some of that cozy, lived-in feel from the camcorder footage. It's like blending your grandparents' vintage love story with those heartwarming home videos from your childhood.

    When we put it all together, it's magic! Your video becomes this beautiful tapestry of old-school romance and real, raw moments. It's not just a wedding video - it's your love story told in a way that's as unique as you two are.

  • You know, Super 8 has this amazing vintage look, but it's got one quirk - it's the silent movie star of wedding videos! It doesn't capture sound on its own.

    But don't worry, we've got a fix for that! If you're dreaming of hearing those tear-jerking vows or your best friend's hilarious speech in your video, we've got you covered. We can bring along some nifty audio gear to capture all those beautiful sounds.

  • . We've only got so much film to work with, so we can't catch every single moment of your ceremony or all those heartfelt speeches word-for-word.

    But don't worry! We're like ninjas with our Super 8 cameras, swooping in to capture all the best bits. Think of it as creating a highlight reel of your day's most magical moments - you know, the tear-jerking vow exchange, that adorable fumble with the rings, or the moment your best friend has everyone in stitches during their toast.

    Now, if you're the type who wants to relive every single second (and hey, I totally get it!), we've got a plan B. We can bring along our trusty camcorder as a sidekick to the Super 8. It's like having a backstage pass to your own wedding - we can record the whole shebang from start to finish.

  • Depending on which package speaks to your heart, we can totally hook you up with all the uncut footage. It's like getting the director's cut of your own love story!

    Now, I've got to be honest with you - film can be a bit of a diva sometimes. Not every frame is going to be red-carpet ready, if you know what I mean. It's part of that old-school charm we love about film, but it also means you might catch a wobbly moment or two.

What is Super 8 Film?

Super 8 film is a cherished classic. Released in 1965, it was a major upgrade from its predecessor, 8mm film, offering better image quality and ease of use.

Back in the day, Super 8 was the go-to format for home videos, capturing family moments with a warmth and charm that digital formats often lack. It wasn’t uncommon for many households to have a Super 8 camera tucked away, making it a beloved tool for documenting everything from birthday parties to vacations.

How is Super 8 Film Developed?

Super 8 film is sent to a professional film developer who specializes in vintage film mediums. The process involves developing the film to bring out the images captured on it. Once the film is developed, it is then scanned to create a digital version of the footage. This digital format allows for easier viewing, editing, and sharing of your video while preserving the unique characteristics of the original film.

What makes Super 8 Film so rare?

Super 8 film is approaching its 60th anniversary and is considered a niche art form in today’s digital age. As the popularity of Super 8 continues to decline, fewer videographers are using it, leading to a decrease in the number of facilities that develop this type of film. The specialized nature of developing Super 8 film requires specific expertise and equipment, which contributes to the limited number of development labs available. Despite its rarity, the unique and nostalgic qualities of Super 8 continue to attract enthusiasts and collectors who value its distinctive charm.


You know that warm, fuzzy feeling you get when you watch old home videos? That's exactly what we're going for with camcorder footage. It's like stepping into a time machine, but instead of going back to the '80s or '90s, we're creating new memories with that same cozy vibe.

Remember those clunky VHS cameras your parents used to lug around? The ones that made every family vacation and school play look like a quirky indie film? There's something so real and honest about those videos that just makes you smile.

Now, imagine your wedding day captured with that same genuine charm. No fancy filters or slick editing tricks – just pure, unfiltered joy.

I grew up surrounded by these kinds of videos, and let me tell you, they're something special. Sure, they might be a little grainy or wobbly, but that's part of the magic. It's those little imperfections that make the moments feel so alive and real.

So when you curl up on the couch years from now to watch your wedding video, it won't feel like a polished Hollywood production. Instead, it'll be like flipping through a living, breathing photo album, full of genuine smiles, unscripted laughter, and all the beautiful, messy perfection of your love story.

camcorder videos
frequently asked questions

Do I get to pick my own Music?

Absolutely! Music is such a personal thing, isn't it? We want your video to feel like you, so of course you get to choose the tunes! Got a special song that always makes you two smile? Or maybe there's a hidden gem that just captures your vibe perfectly? Whatever it is, we're all ears and ready to weave it into your story.

What will the final video length be?

Great question! It really depends on which package feels right for you. Most of our camcorder videos end up being a cozy 2 to 5 minutes long - just enough to capture all the good stuff without dragging on. We like to sync it up with your chosen song too, so everything flows nicely. And don't worry, if you're the type who loves reliving every moment, we'll give you all the raw footage too, depending on your package.

Can you record all the speeches?

You bet! We know those heartfelt words from your loved ones are precious. As an add-on, we can set up a camera to catch every toast, roast, and teary-eyed moment. It's a great way to preserve those memories (and maybe some future blackmail material, wink wink).

What's the difference between super 8 and camcorder video?

Ah, the classic film vs. digital debate! Super 8 is like the vinyl record of video - it's got that grainy, nostalgic charm that just feels warm and fuzzy. Our Super 8 camera is actually from 1979, so it's got some stories to tell! Camcorders, on the other hand, are like the cool cousin of Super 8. They're digital, so you get clearer footage, but we use one from the early 2000s to keep that retro vibe alive. It's a bit more budget-friendly too, since we don't have to develop film. Both have their own unique charm - it's all about what feels right for your day!